Apply for it
You can request, apply or register online for many of our services.
For some applications you will need to set up an online account.
Apply or request
Council tax, benefits and financial help
- Council tax discounts and exemptions
- Other council tax services you can request online
- Benefits and financial help
- Cost of living help
Schools, education and childcare
Care and support for adults
- Community meals
- Equipment to help with daily tasks
- Technology enabled care (Telecare)
- Help for care and support
- Care and support update for adults receiving care and support that needs updating
Waste and recycling
- Garden waste (green bin) subscription
- Garden waste sack collection
- Help to put your bins and boxes out for collection
- Collection of large household items
- New or replacement bins and boxes
- Recycling centre booking
- Dropped kerb
- Challenge a parking fine
- Residents parking permits and schemes
- Blue Badge
- Disabled parking bay
Community and open spaces
- Jobs and careers
- Volunteering
- Grants for community projects
- Join the library
- Allotment
- Dog and dog warden services
- Road closure for a street event
Environmental health and nuisances
Licences and permits
- Employment permit for children
- Highway licences including scaffolding, skips, portacabins, signs, bridges and cranes
- Taxi driver licence
- Other business licences
Street issues
- Ask for a footpath, cycleway or road gutter to be swept
- New bus stop or bus shelter
- Road safety improvement for example, a new crossing or a speed limit change
You can register:
This is not an exhaustive list. You can use the search box at the top of the page to find what you need.