Residents parking schemes
We operate 2 types of parking schemes for residents. One has a paper waiver and the other a virtual permit.
When considering requests for a new scheme we have to follow a legal process including a public consultation and issue a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). You can find out more on our Request waiting restrictions or keep clear markings page.
Page contents
Resident parking waiver scheme in Kingswood, Thornbury, Yate, Filton and Stoke Gifford
Residents of some roads where there are parking restrictions in Kingswood, Thornbury, Yate, Filton and Stoke Gifford will need to apply for parking waivers.
Contact to find out if your address is covered by the paper waiver scheme and to request an application form.
Kingswood households are allowed one waiver.
Thornbury, Yate, Filton and Stoke Gifford households are allowed up to two waivers.
The cost of each waiver is £10.
There is no provision for visitor permits under the paper waiver scheme.
Resident parking permit scheme in Warmley and Kingswood
MiPermit operates a virtual parking permit scheme in some locations of Warmley and Kingswood on behalf of the council.
Vehicle registrations are monitored electronically by our parking services team.
You can apply for parking permits on the MiPermit portal.
MiPermit in Kingswood
The MiPermit locations in Kingswood are:
- Wood Road
- Derrick Road
- Moravian Road
- Bright Street
- Hanham Road
- Laurel Street
Kings Chase Shopping Centre
There is also a yearly virtual parking permit scheme for the car park at Kings Chase Shopping Centre.
You can only apply for this permit if you work for a retailer at the shopping centre.
The yearly permit costs £75.
Employees can apply for a permit on the MiPermit portal.
MiPermit in Warmley
The MiPermit locations in Warmley are:
- Crown Gardens
- Station Road
- Tower Road North
- High Street Warmley
Not all households are eligible so contact MiPermit for further information.
Contact MiPermit
If you have questions about the application process you can contact MiPermit, Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturdays 8am to 4pm.
- £30 per year for the first permit
- £45 per year for a second one
- £60 per year for a third permit if space is available
- £2 per day for an individual daily permit
- residents can apply for 25 free virtual visitor permits per household
- free to Blue Badge holders
Visitors’ parking
Households within residents’ parking areas can have 25 free virtual visitor permits each year.
Each virtual permit allows parking for one day during the hours of restriction.
A further 25 virtual permits per household can be purchased annually for £50.
Individual daily permits can be purchased by residents for £2.
Waivers for parking restrictions
Parking restrictions may be waived for tradespeople and health visitors carrying out their work if there is no alternative parking and there are no road safety implications.
Waivers can be issued for short time durations up to two weeks.
You can read our policy for waiver/dispensation for parking restrictions.
You can apply for a parking waiver on the MiPermit portal
If you have any queries on the application process use the contact details on this page.
Our parking services team patrol residents’ parking schemes on foot.
People who park without a permit or waiver, or breach other rules, can expect enforcement action.
Parking policy
You can read our residents parking policy for parking in residential streets. Note: this policy is currently under review.
Holders of parking permits or waivers must comply with the conditions of the scheme in their residential area.