Under Section 106 (S106) of the Town and County Planning Act 1990, developers may be required to contribute towards the cost of community facilities when the additional need arises as a result of a new housing development.

We are responsible for managing and allocating S106 funding contributions for public open space improvements.

Funding contributions are negotiated between developers and the council during the planning application process. Developer contributions are usually paid to the council when development begins, or when certain stages are met. This money is then allocated to projects to either provide new facilities, or improve the quality and capacity of existing facilities.

S106 funding contributions open for funding applications

S106 funding is awarded to:

  • outdoor sports facilities
  • provision for children and young people
  • informal recreational open spaces
  • natural and semi-natural open spaces
  • allotments

Information about the funding since April 2015 is available in Microsoft Excel format. This also includes S106 contributions open for funding applications along with deadlines for submission.

S106 funding can only be spent on new facilities or capacity improvements to existing facilities. It cannot be used to maintain existing facilities.

Apply for Section 106 funding

To apply for S106 funding to support the provision of new or enhanced public open space you must be either:

  • a voluntary organisation
  • an organisation that operates a community facility on a not-for-profit basis
  • a town or parish council, charity, or a school with community use

Before you apply you need to:

  • read Section 106 funding – guidance notes for applicants which provides details on S106 funding, the application process and guidance on completing the application form
  • contact our community spaces team to confirm the availability of funding in the locality of your proposed project and discuss eligibility

There are two application forms:

The application form you submit will depend on the capital value of your project. Ensure you complete the correct one or your application will be rejected.

If your organisation is awarded S106 funding, you will be expected to enter into a funding agreement with us (the council).

As part of your application you should consider the environmental impact of your project (positive or negative) and describe how this will be addressed. This ensures we are delivering on our environmental commitments and objectives as set out in our Environmental Policy, Council Plan and the South Gloucestershire Community Strategy. To help you with this, we ask that you submit a S106 Environmental Assessment Checklist with your application, regardless of project value.

Applications should be submitted preferably as an electronic version. Alternatively, you can submit a hard copy using the contact details provided on the application form.

Our project management services

We can carry out project management and delivery on your behalf (a fee will be charged for this service which can be paid for out of the S106 funding). Our landscape design team has extensive experience of project design, consultation, management and delivery, including the preparation of planning applications. For more information use the contact details below.

Further information and assistance

For further information or assistance contact the community spaces team to discuss your project:

Beta This is our beta website