Ladden Garden Village
Answers to your questions about Ladden Garden Village housing development in Yate.
School provision
Initial feasibility work has now been completed, so what is the current timescale for completion of the Dowsell Way Primary School?
Construction work has not yet started, and we do not have an anticipated completion date at this stage.
There are, however, primary school places available at Tyndale Primary and more widely in the surrounding area. Our admissions data shows that there are pupils attending schools outside the school planning area, including at Frampton Cotterell, but they would have been able to access places within the school planning area.
We are currently in discussions with the developer regarding the proposed primary school provision. Following these discussions, officers will make their recommendations to enable design to move forward in 2023.
Where required, we will ensure that any short-term demand is managed by using existing surplus places or by providing additional temporary provision in existing schools in the Yate primary school planning area by breach/larger classes.
What plans are in place for the second primary school (Fletcher Road) and when do you envisage work will start?
In accordance with the legal agreement supporting the original planning permission for the site, requirements for a second primary school are being reviewed. The review is in the context of detailed development approved and taking place, pupil numbers projections and existing available school spaces in the locality.
We will give further updates during 2023.
What is the current situation regarding the nursery on Doswell Way, when is construction anticipated to start and when do you expect to complete the work?
Construction is underway and advancing well.
It is anticipated that the build programme will take 44 weeks, with completion due in November 2023. Handover to the nursery provider is expected to take place shortly after this date.
What is the anticipated start and completion time for the nursery on Fletcher Road?
The nursery on Fletcher Way is expected to be delivered after the completion of the Dowsell Way nursery. This would be subject to demand and the identification of an operator for the nursery. The specification requirements have been identified and the site is subject of marketing to operators at the moment for expressions of interest.
The construction of the Fletcher Way nursery would be anticipated to take a similar amount of time as the nursery on Dowsell Way, around 44 weeks.
What provision are you making for secondary school pupils and how do you plan to accommodate growing numbers of pupils?
There are 3 secondary schools serving the Yate and Chipping Sodbury school planning area: Brimsham Green (nearest to the development), Yate Academy and Chipping Sodbury. There are currently 318 surplus places across these 3 secondary schools. This surplus is more than sufficient to meet the immediate need arising from the development.
We anticipate an increase in the number of pupils requiring secondary provision and propose expanding one of the existing schools to meet demand for places. Discussions are progressing regarding the expansion of one of these three secondary schools before proceeding to feasibility and design, with a view to completing the expansion for the 2026/27 academic year. This will be ahead of any increased demand arising from the development.
Community facilities
Can you provide an update on the Fletcher Way care home progress?
Construction work started in autumn 2022 and it is anticipated that the build will be finished in autumn 2024. Further updates will be provided during 2024.
When do you anticipate the local centre, including shop, at Leechpool Way to be completed?
Construction of the local shop is currently underway with the operator confirmed as Sainsbury’s. The developer anticipates the shop will be complete by late summer 2023.
An update on the provision of the health centre will be provided during autumn 2023
What is the anticipated completion date of the community centre building on Leechpool Way?
We are unable to provide a firm completion date for the community centre at this stage. The first step is the transfer of the site from Barratt Homes, which should be achieved by the end of the year. The project team will then work to deliver a community centre that is affordable to build and operate, is sustainable and meets the current and future needs of the community.
As part of that process we will be consulting the community on aspirations for the community centre during summer 2023. The results of that consultation will then be used to inform design work anticipated for winter 2023/2024.
Further updates will be provided nearer the time as the project develops.
When will the play areas and open spaces be finished?
We have been working with the developers since 2021 to complete the public open spaces. Most recently, the developer has been sent a replacement planting schedule for their landscape contractor ahead of the planting season. They have also received details of the play equipment required for the play areas. This has been revised due to availability of some play equipment.
The sign-off of public open space can take time, but in our view the current process at Ladden Garden Village is comparable to developments of a similar size. Phase 1 was however signed off by our officers during December 2022 supporting hand over to the management company this year.
The phase 1 approved play spaces have now been erected adjacent to Leechpool Way. The developers advise that of the following phased programme regarding remaining provision:
Ph2 – construction commenced as of March, operational by June 23 (located near P2-PL23E)
Ph3 – design to be instructed asap and submitted for planning (coordination with Nursery plans) (located near P3-PL37A)
Ph4 – construction commenced as of March, operational by June 23 (located near P4-PL9)
Ph5 – consented along with DWH Ph5 parcel, NMA required for Miracle equipment, to be delivered prior to 80% occupation of that phase (located near P5-PL28A)
Ph6 – to be designed and submitted for planning during 2023 (located near P6-PL31)
Ph7 – has been included in the Barratt Ph7 parcel planning submission, to be delivered prior to 80% occupation of that phase (located near P7-PL4A)
The location references are to approved phases as shown in the phasing plan.
What is the current situation regarding the allotments – both on and off-site in the Yate area?
Works started on the off site allotments in March 2023 and are close to completion.
The on-site allotments are to be located to the east of Randolph Avenue, at the entrance to Ladden Garden Village. These are not due to be delivered until 80 per cent of the adjacent housing parcels have been occupied. These housing parcels do not yet have detailed planning permission and therefore the allotments are not anticipated to be delivered before 2025.
When will the 20mph speed limit be put in place?
The residential area includes traffic calming measures and has been designed to encourage 20mph speeds throughout the neighbourhood.
A traffic regulation order is required to put in a place an enforceable 20mph zone. We will prepare the plans and undertake public consultation in due course, so that the order can be agreed and put in place as the roads are adopted.
In the meantime, the developer has erected temporary 20mph signs (black on yellow) across the site.
Many roads still require top surfacing. When do the developers plan to complete this work?
Road surfacing is the developers’ responsibility, rather than something we control. The developers have committed to providing letter drops to residents to advise of programmed top surfacing of roads adjacent to their properties.
The roads for the development are also subject of a road safety audit process which takes place in stages and can impact final layout details, thereby impacting implementation of top surfacing.
Whilst there are roads that still require their final top surfacing, several have already been surfaced. These include Reed Road, Bence Road, Cowles Road, Charles Road, part of Dowsell Way, Francis Road, Derham Crescent and Turner Road.
There is a single construction access route from Randolph Avenue, which has delayed the surfacing of Dowsell Way and Fletcher Road.
When will the access from Randolph Avenue open for use?
The access currently crosses the principal site construction compound which limits and restricts use. The developers cannot remove this and open the Randolph Avenue extension to the public until the proposed construction of frontage plots on Phases 6 and 7 have been substantially completed and made safe.
Phase 6 parcel has only recently been granted consent and Phase 7 is yet to be approved. As such developers estimate it it will be 12 to 18 months before this access can open to the public.
Updates will be provided during 2024.
When will street names be confirmed?
The street naming plan shows the street names for the development approved so far. Street naming has been developed in consultation with the town council and has been based on war memorials linked to the First World War centenary celebrations.
Is there a defibrillator on-site?
There is not currently a defibrillator and no proposals have been submitted to provide one. The original consent for the development did not require provision.
There is nothing to prevent a proposal being submitted and potentially this could be installed as part of the local health centre, local shop or community centre if there is local support/demand which could be expressed to the respective operators once the facility is brought forward.
Further questions
If you have any further questions email
We will aim to respond within 10 working days.