Due to essential maintenance some of our online account services will be unavailable on Thursday 13 February from 5pm to 8pm.

The Oldbury Nuclear Power station, near Oldbury on Severn, generated electricity for 44 years. It stopped generating electricity in February 2012 and is currently being decommissioned 

Further information on the site and its progress towards decommissioning is available on the GOV UK website. 

We have responded to consultations by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on options for 

  • the storage of Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) arising from the Oldbury power station, prior to its planned long-term disposal in a proposed Geological Disposal Facility
  • options for the treatment of Fuel Element Debris (FED) 

Further information on the NDA’s proposals may be found on their website.  

Our responses to the NDA’s consultations can be viewed for

In order to better understand and respond to relevant nuclear legacy issues as they arise, we belong to the Nuclear Legacy Advisory Forum (NuLeAF). The NuLeAF website is a source of further information on related matters. 

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