Local plan monitoring
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Authority's monitoring reports
The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is published annually. It describes how our planning policies are put into practice for the previous financial year (April to March). It also outlines the progress made in preparing our planning documents.
Due to Local Plan commitments, the 2024 report will be published in early 2025.
The Housing Trajectory 2024 and 5 Year Housing Land Supply Table for 2024 are now available.
Previous AMRs
Monitoring map
The interactive map has been produced to give a visual representation of some of the monitoring undertaken across the district. Further information on the data shown on this map can be found within the Authority’s Monitoring Report and the Brownfield Land Register. The map shows the housing trajectory in a spatial form, these are the sites that the authority will rely on to deliver a 5 year housing land supply.
Brownfield register
All councils are required by the Brownfield Land Register Regulations (2017) to publish a register of previously developed sites in the district which are capable of being redeveloped or converted to provide housing-led development.
Brownfield land registers are required to be in two parts.
Part 1 of the register contains brownfield sites of at least 0.25 hectares, or capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings and considered appropriate for residential development.
Part 2 of the register contains those sites in Part 1 which would be suitable for a grant of “permission in principle” (PiP) for residential development. Permission in Principle is limited to the location, land use and amount of development. It can only be granted for housing-led developments. Planning permission is not granted until Technical Details Consent is applied for and approved.
All sites on the register must meet the definition of ‘previously developed land’ as contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. All sites on the register must also meet the following criteria:
- Suitable for residential development meaning that the land has planning permission for housing or housing-led development, or has been allocated for such development in a Local Plan, or is considered appropriate for such development by the council
- Available for residential development meaning that there is no obstacle to development in terms of either ownership issues or legal constraints on the land
- Residential development of the land is achievable, that is the land is likely to be developed within 15 years of being entered on the register
South Gloucestershire Council – Brownfield Land Register 2024 update
As of December 2024 there are 162 brownfield sites on part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register. 71 of these are live with potential to deliver 3,965 new homes.
As of December 2024 there are 0 sites on part 2 of the Brownfield Land Register.
The Brownfield Land Register parts 1 and 2, shown in one spreadsheet to meet open data standards, are available to download and view below.
New build residents survey
The new build residents survey helps us to understand from people who have recently moved into a newly built home their level of satisfaction with what they like, dislike and how they think their home, neighbourhood and community could be improved.
The feedback received from the residents’ survey is intended to help us plan and create communities with high quality housing and access to local services and amenities.
Many residents are pleased with their new homes, energy efficiency measures included and the sense of community.
The feedback showed that on many of the developments the majority of residents are really satisfied, but there are locations where people are not satisfied and there are lessons to be learnt.
The main areas for improvement are:
- ensuring developers deliver the shops, open spaces and community facilities residents expect much faster
- the importance of pavements to people’s sense of safety and the need to ensure promises reflect delivery
We will be working with developers to try to get these things built much earlier in the process.
Read the New Build Resident Satisfaction Engagement Report 2023
Employment land survey (Historic)
The findings of the employment land survey are no longer reported individually, instead key findings are included within the Authority’s Monitoring Report above.
The employment land survey monitors the availability, distribution and loss of employment and non-residential land in South Gloucestershire. It provides a record of gains and losses for employment and non-residential land and buildings categorised as either:
- new build on ‘greenfield’ or undeveloped sites
- re-development or change of use of existing sites and buildings
- extension of existing buildings and premises to create new office, industrial, warehousing or other developments
The survey does not include small-scale development or provide any record of vacant or available commercial space. Analysis is restricted to sites of 0.4 hectare (gross) and over 500 square metres (gross). On safeguarded employment areas as identified in the Core Strategy (2013) (policy CS12) all new development is monitored.
The information contained in the survey comes from development management records, site surveys and other council records. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in the document but we cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Town centres and retail audit (Historic)
The findings of the retail audit are no longer reported individually, instead key findings are included within the Authority’s Monitoring Report above.
We carry out a comprehensive audit of retailing activity within South Gloucestershire annually which includes:
- designated town centres
- edge of centre and out of centre locations
The purpose of the audit is to monitor the range of retail activities, type and make up of shops currently trading in our district. It provides the data for us to monitor indicators relating to retail activity and review our planning policies.
2017 town centres and retail audit
2016 town centres and retail audit
2015 town centres and retail audit
2014 town centres and retail audit
2013 town centres and retail audit
2012 town centres and retail audit
Residential land survey (Historic)
The findings of the residential land survey are no longer reported individually, instead key findings are included within the Authority’s Monitoring Report above.
We conduct an annual survey of sites that are potentially available for housing development. The survey covers ‘large’ sites that have been identified for residential use as a result of one of the following:
- the council granting detailed or outline planning consent
- a resolution to approve subject to completion of a section 106 agreement
- a successful planning appeal
- a large site is one that can accommodate 10 or more dwellings or has an area equal to or greater than 0.5 hectares
The residential land survey sets out information for the following four categories of land:
- Category A sites – with planning permission, including details of dwellings under construction or completed
- Category B sites – without planning permission, including sites allocated in the South Gloucestershire local plan, those subject to a section 106 agreement or with a lapsed permission
- Category W sites – those withdrawn since the last survey
- Category X sites – those that have been completely finished in the last year