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The census is a national survey that takes place every 10 years to count households and population in England and Wales. The last census day was on 21 March 2021.

Topic summaries

The first results from Census 2021 were released on 28 June 2022 with topic summaries being released by ONS during 2022 to 2023.

The population estimate for South Gloucestershire is 290,400. This is an increase of 10.5% compared to the recorded population in 2011 (262,800).

The first results were presented in our briefing note for South Gloucestershire.

You can also find our briefing notes for:

If you have any questions you can contact us by emailing research@southglos.gov.uk.

More information on the Census 2021 can be found on the Office for National Statistics website.

Ward data profiles

You can download the Census 2021 data profiles for each ward below.

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Interactive maps

You can use the ONS map to find out what people’s lives were like across South Gloucestershire in March 2021.

You can build a custom area profile which allows you to get data by different area types in South Gloucestershire, for example, by ward or by parish.

You can:

  • find an area by name or postcode
  • draw your own area on a map
  • choose different topics from Census 2021 data
  • save the area you have drawn to use again
  • export your area profile as an image or spreadsheet (CSV)

Why census data is collected

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) organises the census in partnership with local authorities, including South Gloucestershire Council.

Information from the census will help decide how services are planned and funded in your local area. This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, housing, and new bus routes.

Information from the census is also important in helping lots of other people and organisations do their work, including:

  • charities and voluntary organisations using it as evidence to get funding
  • helping businesses to understand their customers (for example, decide where to open new shops)
  • researchers (for example, university students and people looking into their family history)

It provides data on population diversity. This allows organisations to know whether they are meeting their responsibilities and taking action where necessary.

Find out more about your census data and security.

Census 2011

You can find the analysis, data and key ward profiles from the Census 2011.

Census 2011 results

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