We have a duty under the Road Safety Act 1988 to deliver road safety education to reduce road casualties on our roads. 

This summer we are supporting the Morning After Euro 2024 campaign to help motorists avoid the risks of morning after drink driving during the tournament.

Resources available

We have a range of resources for specific ages and road user groups such as:

Contact us

You can email roadsafetyeducation@southglos.gov.uk to:

  • arrange a presentation or workshop

or to request resources for:

  • pre-schools
  • home schooled children
  • after school clubs
  • pedestrians
  • horse riders

School Crossing Patrol Service

We are responsible for the school crossing patrol service. This helps make travel to and from school as safe as possible for children and adults.

School crossing patrols can stop traffic for anyone wanting to cross the road provided they are:

  • working at their official site
  • wearing the correct uniform

About school crossing patrol sites

When we are deciding where to put school crossing patrols we will survey the area. This will include doing a vehicle and pedestrian count.

We put school crossing patrol where they are needed most. This may not be directly outside a school.

Each site will have signs and road markings and regular monitoring and supervision by our Road Safety Education team.

Report an issue with a school crossing patrol site

Email roadsafetyeducation@southglos.gov.uk to report issues with a school crossing patrol.   

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