If you live or work in South Gloucestershire you can make suggestions for improvements to the management and safety of roads, footpaths and cycling routes.

Examples of improvements include:

  • pedestrian crossings such as zebra, pelican etc.
  • cycle lanes
  • traffic calming
  • speed limits
  • waiting restrictions – to request these use the form on our yellow lines and keep clear markings page

Requests for waiting restrictions will only be considered where there is clear evidence of regular access problems for waste and recycling lorries.

To request a dropped kerb crossing point for pedestrians visit our request a pedestrian dropped kerb page.

How to make a request

The first step is to contact your local ward councillor to gain support for your proposal.

We will not accept requests that are submitted without evidence of councillor support.

Once you have written support from your local councillor you can read our application guidance notes, then fill in a request form (PDF document).

Email your completed form to transportservices@southglos.gov.uk.

What happens next

Requests must pass several stages of assessment and selection to progress to being built.

You can find out more in our guidance notes about the assessment process.

Keeping track of your proposal

Once a year, usually around April, we publish our local transport priority list (LTPL). This shows how accepted proposals are progressing.

The LTPL is split into 2 parts:

  • schemes competing for investigation
  • schemes competing for implementation

The lists are available to download in several formats:

View the current investigation and implementation lists in Open Document Spreadsheet format (ODS).

Alternatively you can view the current investigation and implementation lists as PDFs.

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