We believe that travelling around South Gloucestershire should not put those who live, work or visit the area at risk or fear of injury.    

The number of people injured on South Gloucestershire roads has generally been falling.  

Vision zero

Vision zero is the aim of having no avoidable deaths or serious injuries on roads in the West of England by 2036. This is part of the Joint Local Transport Plan 4

Traffic collision and casualty data

The Department for Transport has an interactive dashboard for reported road casualty statistics in the UK. It shows the number of road casualties reported to the police since 2018.

The data shows that we have made progress in the number of casualties being slightly injured but the number of people being killed or seriously injured has not improved since 2010. 

This follows the general trend nationally. You can find more information at GB Road Safety Performance Index. 

Data collection

The collision data we use is collected by Avon and Somerset police. 

 We carry out carry out validation checks using Department for Transport guidelines.

You can report a collision on the Avon and Somerset police website.

Get collision data from us

We can provide collision data for individuals and commercial companies. 

For more information email strategicroadsafety@southglos.gov.uk


We have a duty under the Road Safety Act 1988 to investigate and analyse collisions on our roads.

We look at where, when and why collisions happen so we can take steps to reduce the number of people hurt on our roads. 

This involves investigating locations or routes where collisions occur most often.  


We put forward proposed changes to the highway to reduce the risk to people travelling on our roads. These changes are based on the crash data shared with us from Avon and Somerset police.

These casualty reduction schemes are approved by councillors.  

Road safety audit

A road safety audit is a way of identifying potential road safety issues or problems that may increase the risk to road users. 

These are carried out on proposed and completed highway schemes. We carry out road safety audits on council led schemes and changes proposed by developers. 

To get a quote for carrying out a road safety audit for a development email strategicroadsafety@southglos.gov.uk.

Our road safety auditors are members of the Society of Road Safety Auditors.

Contact us

You can contact us at strategicroadsafety@southglos.gov.uk to: 

  • get a quote for carrying out a road safety audit  
  • view our current road safety audit policy  

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