Due to essential maintenance some of our online account services will be unavailable on Thursday 13 February from 5pm to 8pm.

The council has 61 councillors who are elected every 4 years by registered voters in their wards.

Councillors work with the whole community as well as their constituents.

All councillors meet together to decide our overall policy framework and set budgets. These meetings are normally open to the public.

Find your councillor

You can find contact details about your local councillors by postcode, ward or political party.

You can also view the South Gloucestershire ward boundaries on the Ordnance Survey interactive map.

Councillors’ registers of interest

We publish the register of interests for our councillors in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. The declarations can be found on your councillors under the information for each councillor.

These include interests in:

  • planning
  • health and wellbeing
  • scrutiny commission added members

Councillors and co-opted members must register disclosable financial interests and other interests with our monitoring officer.

Code of conduct

All councillors and co-opted members of local authority committees are required to comply with the members code of conduct

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