Housing strategy
Our housing strategy aims to help everyone in South Gloucestershire to access housing that meets their needs and that they can afford.
Housing plays an important role in helping to:
- reduce inequalities
- give children the best start in life
- improve health and wellbeing
- support people to reach their full potential
About the strategy
The strategy will be used to improve the delivery of high quality housing.
Our vision
We want everyone in South Gloucestershire to live in a healthy, affordable, low energy and low carbon, climate resilient home that meets their needs within a safe and thriving local community, which is accessible to all.
What it means
By putting this strategy into action we aim to ensure:
- a home for everyone that meets their needs
- sustainable homes
- thriving communities and neighbourhoods
We are committed to responding to:
- the climate and nature emergency
- health and wellbeing
- equal opportunities
The values of our housing strategy are linked to the Council Plan and our other relevant plans and strategies.
The strategy will be reviewed regularly to make sure it continues to respond to housing needs across South Gloucestershire, and reflects changes in national policy, legislation and strategy.
Find out more
Who we are working with
The strategy will help us work with partner organisations and registered providers, as well as landowners and developers.
We are working with the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and other neighbouring authorities on cross-boundary housing issues and priorities.