Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is any activity which causes harm, harassment or distress to an individual or a community.

We have recently redesigned the way that anti-social behaviour reports are dealt with to make sure you get a quick response.

Call 999 if a crime is happening now or you are in immediate danger.

How to report anti-social behaviour

You can report issues to us such as litter, noise and graffiti by using the links on our report it page.

For most cases of anti-social behaviour, the police will lead on individual incidents.

You can report directly to them by calling 101, 999 or by making an online report.

What to do if the problem is not resolved

We coordinate and lead on community triggers which give members of the public the opportunity to request a review of how an anti-social behaviour situation has been handled by the agencies involved.

There is more information about this on our community trigger page.

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