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A community trigger is a tool for tackling anti-social behaviour as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The review is aimed at finding suitable actions to resolve the problems in a multi-agency format such as the local council, police and housing associations.

Who can apply

For a community trigger to be activated it must meet one of the following criteria:

  • 3 incidents of anti-social behaviour or hate in a 6 month period have been reported
  • 5 reported incidents of anti-social behaviour or hate in a 6 month period involving a linked location reported by more than one person

Any member of the public, business or community group can apply for a community trigger if they have been a victim of anti-social behaviour.

A representative can also apply on behalf of a victim if they have consent, for example a family member, friend, carer, councillor.

What does a community trigger involve

A community trigger brings agencies together to take a multi-agency, problem-solving approach to find a solution.

The review process is aimed at resolving issues in the more persistent and complex cases of anti-social behaviour.

The community trigger does not replace an individual organisations’ complaints procedures which can and should be used by the public.

How to apply

You can apply for downloading and completing the community trigger application.

When completed send it by:

  • email: communitysafetyteam@southglos.gov.uk
  • post: South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Environment and Community Services, Anti-Social Behaviour Team, PO Box 1954, Bristol, BS37 0DD

You can also call us about your application and for more information on 01454 868582.

What happens next

You will receive a letter to say we have your application within 3 days of us receiving it.

We will then write to you again within 7 working days to let you know if your community trigger application has been successful. 

If your application is successful, it will outline details of what will happen next.

If your case meets the criteria, a case review will be set up and will let you know within a further 28 working days the actions implemented to resolve the problem.

Community trigger data

There is a legal requirement to publish how many community triggers we have received.

Our data is as follows from January 2021 to April 2022.

Number of community triggers received: 16
Number that did not meet the threshold: 15
Number of case reviews held: 1
Number of case reviews with recommendations made: 0

You can view our community trigger CSV file for data before this time.

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