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A citizenship ceremony is the final stage in granting British citizenship.

First you must apply to become a British citizen through the Home Office.

What happens next

Once your application has been processed and approved, if you request a ceremony with South Gloucestershire, your certificate will be sent to us.

We will contact you to arrange a citizenship ceremony where you must take a citizenship oath and pledge.

About the ceremony

Citizenship ceremonies in South Gloucestershire take place at our register office:

Kingswood Civic Centre
High Street
BS15 9TR

Types of ceremony

There are two types of citizenship ceremony:

  • a standard ceremony – the cost of this is included in the fee paid to the Home Office (currently £80)
  • a non-standard ceremony outside our scheduled ceremonies that must be paid for

Fees and booking

The fee for a non-standard ceremony (1 to 3 people) is £170 per person (£185 from 1 April 2024). This includes a non-refundable non-transferable £60 booking fee paid at the time of booking.

You will be able to have 1 guest to attend with you. Non-standard ceremonies are held Monday to Friday, during office hours.

To book a non-standard citizenship ceremony contact us by:

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