Rateable values are set by the Valuation Office Agency and are revalued every 3 years.

The current 2023 valuation came into effect on 1 April 2023 and was based on market values from 1 April 2021. Before this was the 2017 valuation which came into effect on 1 April 2017 and used market values from 1 April 2015.

The Valuation Office Agency decide and maintain all rateable values and add them to the non-domestic rating list.

Find your rateable value

The rateable value of your property is shown on the front of your bill.

This broadly represents the annual rent the property could have been let for on the open market on a particular date.

How to appeal your business rates

You can appeal against your rateable value if you believe it is incorrect.

This is called the check and challenge process and it is carried out by the Valuation Office Agency.

You can contact the Valuation Office Agency by:

An appeal is not grounds for non-payment of business rates. Continue to pay your business rates until an alteration is made by the Valuation Office Agency.

What happens next

If an alteration is agreed, the Valuation Office Agency will advise us of the alteration.

We process these updates on a weekly basis and issue revised rate demand notices to confirm the impact on your business rates.


If the alteration has resulted in an overpayment for previous years we refund the money back to you by bank transfer.

If you believe you are owed money due to a backdated change that we have not refunded this may be because we do not have your bank details.

You can email us with the following information:

  • bank account name
  • bank account number
  • sort code
  • your billing number

Rejected alteration

If the Valuation Office does not agree with your alteration and it is rejected, you can appeal their decision not to change your rateable value by using the valuation tribunal service.

This is an independent and free service where you will be requested to attend an appeal hearing to discuss the matter further.

For more information about the appeals process visit the Valuation Tribunal Service website.

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