South Gloucestershire Council has pledged to reduce carbon emissions, protect and restore nature, and prepare for the local impact of the changing climate, by working together with residents, businesses and organisations.

Free online learning

Take our free online training course to find out about the climate and nature emergency and how you can take action. It should take around 45 minutes to complete.

Your carbon footprint

Find out about your personal impact on the climate by checking your own carbon footprint. You can then make positive changes to reduce it.

Reducing your carbon footprint

Here are some of the actions you can take to help reduce your personal carbon footprint:

  • switch to a renewable energy supplier
  • lower your heating thermostat (18 degrees for healthy adults)
  • switch 3 or more regular journeys to walking, cycling or public transport
  • go meat free 3 or more times a week
  • use up food leftovers to reduce waste
  • take your holiday in the UK
  • buy fewer of the things you do not really need and choose green delivery options (next day delivery can have a huge carbon impact)

Saving energy

Saving energy not only makes a huge difference to your carbon footprint, it can help save you money over time. Consider installing energy saving measures such as :

  • loft insulation
  • draft proofing
  • radiator panels
  • LED lighting
  • triple glazing

Information and advice on energy efficiency

For more information on reducing your energy consumption, visit our webpage on home energy advice.

The Severn Wye Energy Agency also provide energy advice on our behalf. You can call them on 0800 500 3076.

The NetZero Toolkit is a comprehensive and scientifically sound eight step guide to get businesses on the road to net carbon emissions by 2040.

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