Due to essential maintenance some of our online account services will be unavailable on Thursday 13 February from 5pm to 8pm.

South Gloucestershire has a strong network of groups taking action on climate change.

Climate and nature emergency community engagement group

We have started a climate and nature emergency community engagement group. This is run jointly with CVS South Gloucestershire (Community and Voluntary Services).

The group is open to everyone in South Gloucestershire and meets quarterly. You can sign up to our climate change mailing list to get group information. You can also email climate.emergency@southglos.gov.uk

There are also local groups that you can get involved with directly.

Marshfield Sustainability tour group
Marshfield sustainability tour group

The map below provides details of these existing climate and nature emergency community groups and how to contact them.


Get involved in practical work to restore nature and improve climate adaptation by volunteering in local parks and open spaces.


You can download and print out our A4 No Mow May posters:

Social media

You can share the following images on your own social media channels:

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You can also read our social media toolkits for:

Sign up to our climate change newsletter

Sign up to our monthly climate change newsletter to hear the latest news on community groups and projects.

Beta This is our beta website