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You can find research reports and briefing notes on the subject areas below. You can also find out how to apply for research governance.

Quality of life

The quality of life report provides an annual snapshot of the quality of life in South Gloucestershire.

The report measures and communicates important facts about South Gloucestershire. It aims to show whether quality of life is getting better, worse or staying the same.

The indicators used in the report measure the things that make an area a good place to live and related to the objectives set out in our sustainable community strategy.

Quality of life report 2024
Quality of life report 2023

Area profile

This area profile provides an overview of the make-up of the population of South Gloucestershire with data on characteristics including age, gender, occupation and income.

2021 Census profile for areas in England and Wales

Children in low-income families analysis

These briefing notes shows key findings and analysis of children in low-income families in South Gloucestershire.

Children in low-income families report May 2019

Fuel poverty research

These briefing notes shoes an analysis of fuel poverty in South Gloucestershire.

Fuel poverty in South Gloucestershire June 2019


These reports show an analysis of housing statistics.

Languages spoken

These reports present information on residents’ main languages and backgrounds.

Research governance

If you want to carry out research and require access to the personal data we hold or require access to our customers, service users, stakeholders or staff then you need to get approval.

You can find out more on our research governance page.

Beta This is our beta website