We have the following strategies and policies relating to children, young people and families.

All age learning disability

The All Age Learning Disability Strategy sets out our vision and priorities for people of any age with a learning disability in South Gloucestershire from April 2022 to March 2027.

The strategy been developed with the Learning Difficulties Partnership Board. It includes input from parents and carers, providers, practitioners, commissioners, schools, and adults and young people with learning disabilities.

Carers strategy

The Carers Strategy 2022 to 2027 sets out our focus and priorities for all carers in South Gloucestershire.

Caring can look different for each person and can include:

  • children and young people supporting parents and siblings
  • adults supporting spouses, and family members with long term conditions
  • parents supporting children with a disability

We have worked with a range of partners, providers, schools and community groups supporting carers, including young carers, young adult carers and parent carers.

You can also read our Carers Strategy summary.

About the carers strategy

We want carers of all ages to be able to say that they:

  • are recognised, listened to and respected as an expert partner in care by professionals, schools, employers and my community
  • know where to access good quality information on what support is available, at a time that suits them, so that they can achieve their goals and live their life the way they choose
  • are able to take a break away from their caring role to support their mental and physical health and achieve their own goals
  • receive the support they need, when they need it, and that suits them

Children’s services strategic plan

Our Children’s Services Strategic Plan sets out how over the next ten years we will work with pace and dedication to deliver on our commitments and making a real difference for local families.

It has been developed because giving children and young people the best start in life is a key priority for us.

We have a key role in making sure that all our children have access to the same opportunities, enabling everyone to reach their full potential and to lead a happy, independent life.

SEND strategy

The special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategy 2018 to 2023 is for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years.

This strategy incorporates collective feedback we received from listening to the views of children, families, schools, settings, colleges and stakeholders through consultation events and surveys.

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