Kingswood Park restoration
This 3 year project aims to restore Kingswood Park for the local community.
It is jointly funded by us, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and volunteers.
The planned improvements aim to make the park the green heart of Kingswood, where people can go to relax and socialise in a safe, welcoming, well managed setting as well as enjoy high quality facilities, outdoor activities and events.
The total cost of the project is £3.36 million.
This restoration is part of our wider £25 million Kingswood Masterplan, a regeneration vision for Kingswood town centre.
Project aims
These are:
- engage with a wider range of people with the park through our programme of activities and events
- restore Kingswood Park by enhancing and replacing built heritage (buildings, paths and structures)
- improve accessibility to and throughout the park for all people
- create and improve the park landscape for wildlife and people
What we are doing
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Restoring and enhancing the built heritage
We aim to restore and enhance built heritage by:
- repairing retaining walls, gate pillars, gates and railings
- enhancing cemetery boundary including new planting and improved access to the Holy Trinity Churchyard
- enhancing the main park entrance
We aim to replace heritage features by:
- making the performance amphitheatre space more accessible
- improving park facilities
- creating services for a new refreshment facility
- building a new play area (for all ages including children and young people with disabilities)
- improving outdoor learning spaces
- creating a full park path circuit
Improving accessibility for all
We aim to improve access for a wider range of people by:
- building a new public toilet in a central park location including a changing places toilet facility
- resurfacing paths and implementing recommendations from Kingswood Park Access Plan
- creating new ramps and removing steps to aid access for all
Landscape, biodiversity and habitat enhancements
We aim to create and improve landscape, biodiversity and habitats by:
- changing the amphitheatre and performance space to make it accessible
- enhancing the landscape with improved biodiversity including pollinator planting, wildflower meadow creation, enhanced wetland and new fruit tree planting
- tree planting
Other improvements
Other improvements we aim to make are adding:
- recycling bins
- entrance and internal signage
- benches and seating
- new park growing area next to the Orchard Road allotments
Throughout the project we intend to reduce the environmental impacts of the park and take positive steps towards adapting to the challenges of climate change.
All improvements are summarised on our Landscape Masterplan.
Latest news
To receive information about activities and for updates on the project, email
Get involved
If you or your group use Kingswood Park and have ideas that will encourage more people to enjoy the park contact us by:
- email:
- phone: 01454 868000
You can also get involved with the Friends of Kingswood Park group. Find out more at the Friends of Kingswood Park Facebook page.