Views of South Gloucestershire boundary maps

South Gloucestershire as an area sits within a number of other geographical footprints such as the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and Integrated Care System (ICS).

Within South Gloucestershire there are also various ways organisations cluster together to deliver services.

To support planning and user understanding, some of the footprints and clusters are shown on the views of South Gloucestershire boundary maps.

Joint strategic needs assessment mapping tool

This mapping tool enables users to consider geographical variation in the demography, health, and wider determinants of the South Gloucestershire population.

Open this in a new tab full screen.

You can interactively map summary measures from a variety of data sources to support evidence-informed decisions about service delivery, strategy, and commissioning.

What is included?

The latest version of the tool enables you to interactively map:

  • population estimates, by age and sex, at lower super output area (LSOA) level
  • deprivation data at LSOA level
  • ward-level health data from the Office For Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) Fingertips
  • Primary Care Networks (PCNs) health data from OHID Fingertips

Ongoing development

Ongoing development of the tool is planned and will aim to further broaden the content and information available.

Services mapping tool

You can map services within South Gloucestershire with this tool.

Let us know what you think

If you require more information or have any feedback and suggestions for how we can improve our Public Health Intelligence Portal you can fill out our online form.

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