We strongly encourage health promotion in our education settings. When children and young people feel positive about their health and wellbeing they are likely to achieve better academically.

Core offer of support

We have a core offer of support for health promotion in education settings that is available free of charge.

The core offer is made up of resources, workforce support and our awards programme.


There are information resources for personal, social and health education (PSHE) and relationships, sex and health education (RSHE), including: 

  • a free resource and information platform aimed at leaders and teachers of PSHE and RSHE. For details of how to register and make the most of this resource, download our user guide
  • directories of free support services covering a wide range of PSHE topics and mental health
  • a termly bulletin for education leads on PSHE, mental health and wellbeing and pastoral support.

Workforce support

Workforce support includes:

  • training in a range of health and wellbeing topics
  • access to the NSPCC Talk Relationships helpline to support teachers delivering RSHE
  • PSHE and RSHE advice and support sessions
  • quarterly meetings for primary and secondary stage PSHE and RSHE leads

Award programme

Our award programme is open to all education settings and is made up of 3 stages:

Stage 1: healthy roots quality mark

Stage 2: beacon setting status

Stage 3: beacon+ exemplar setting status

There is an online self-assessment tool to help you complete the first stage.

Before starting the online self-assessment, you should read the guidance document.

There is a menu of awards from which education settings will need to complete 3 more awards to achieve stage 2, or 6 more awards to achieve stage 3.

You can find out more in the award programme guidance document.


Education settings can request bespoke data analyses or insight to support intervention planning.

Evidence can be generated from these data sources:

  • the health and wellbeing online pupil survey
  • the national child measurement programme (NCMP)
  • the active lives survey
  • the national oral health survey
  • the public health intelligence portal

Access our core offer

To access our core offer of support you can contact us using the details below.

If you need access to the resource and information platform, you can email us with ‘I want access’ as the subject line.

If you wish to receive the termly bulletin, you can email us with ‘add me to the bulletin mailing list’ as the subject line.

The health and wellbeing online pupil survey

We encourage education settings to participate in the South Gloucestershire health and wellbeing online pupil survey (OPS) which is done every 2 years.

The survey is completed by pupils in years 4 to 13. Different survey versions are used for different year groups to make sure questions are age-appropriate.

The survey:

  • is offered free of charge to all primary, secondary, and post 16 settings, including non-mainstream and special educational settings
  • has been completed by over 50,000 pupils in 115 education settings since 2015 and was completed by over 12,500 pupils in 2023
  • gives pupils an opportunity to influence aspects of health and wellbeing education in their educational setting
  • provides education settings with a detailed insight into the health and wellbeing needs of their pupils, as well as capturing important feedback on wider school experience
  • provides important data so that local decision makers can understand and address the health and wellbeing needs of children and young people

You can download summary reports for the OPS for 2021, 2017 and 2015.

When downloading the reports you must agree to the OPS data sharing terms and conditions.

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