We are making changes to improve Hanham High Street in response to feedback from local residents and businesses.

The work is funded by WECA’s Love our High Streets fund.

About the scheme

It aims to:

  • improve the character and attractiveness of the street to give it a distinct identity
  • create an attractive and walkable space that encourages more people to visit
  • increase the time visitors spend on the high street
  • support post-pandemic recovery
  • improve local biodiversity and air quality in line with our climate emergency priorities
A visualisation drawing of an improved Hanham high street with new planters, signage, walking and cycling facilities etc
Artist’s impression of Hanham High Street

The scheme includes:

  • general improvements to the footways and pedestrian spaces
  • conveniently located cycle parking
  • new planting schemes and planters
  • new signage showing walking times and distances to local places of interest
  • refurbishment of the public toilet block
  • new seating areas
  • working with the community to create public art installations along the high street

Map of proposed changes

An illustrative map showing the proposed locations along Hanham High Street of the planned streetscape improvements
This map is indicative only and locations shown may be subject to change

What we are doing

An initial survey in 2020 showed that local people would like to see improvements to the public spaces and appearance of Hanham High Street.

You can find what we asked and the responses received in this summary of the survey results.

We developed a proposed scheme in consultation with local residents and the Hanham High Street Partnership Group, which includes Hanham Parish Council and local traders.

In July 2023, we shared the proposals to get feedback from local people, with display boards available in Hanham library and online. They included the map of proposed changes above.

We also consulted on a new art mural for the high street. The mural will be located on the public toilets in Laburnum Road.

We held an accessibility walkabout attended by people with a range of disabilities. This helped identify specific accessibility issues that can be improved on the high street.

Read our engagement report.

Latest update

Installation from February 2024 of:

  • an informal crossing point and bollards outside the Co-op shop
  • a disabled access ramp and other refurbishments to the public toilets
  • planters and new planting areas on the high street
  • seating and cycle stands
  • resurfacing of corner of Laburnum Road and High Street

The work also includes removing graffiti from the high street area.


  • 2020 – public survey carried out
  • February 2023 – funding awarded
  • July 2023 – engagement on scheme proposals with local residents and businesses
  • Autumn 2023 – final designs agreed and community bulb planting day
  • March 2024 – high street works and art project underway

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Updates will also be posted on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

If you have any questions or if you would like further information, email highstreets@southglos.gov.uk.

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