Severnside Masterplan
We have worked with the local community, town and parish councils and businesses on a strategic infrastructure led masterplan for Severnside.
About the masterplan
The final masterplan sets out a locally informed vision to help shape the future of Severnside in the medium and long term, up to 2050. It builds on all of the different strengths that the area has.
The masterplan takes into account the:
- character of existing coastal villages and rural communities
- strong economic sector unique to Severnside
- unique natural environment
- climate and nature emergency
- new economic and development opportunities
- need for sustainable travel solutions

Project progress
Building the evidence base – September 2021 to December 2021
We collated and analysed relevant information about the area. We used this information to assess the current and potential future situation and look at what opportunities could be created.
Defining the vision – January 2022 to March 2022
We met with key stakeholders, including local members, employers, town and parish councils and community groups to introduce them to the project and to listen to their views.
Developing the draft masterplan – April 2022 to May 2022
Public engagement period – 13 June 2022 to 24 July 2022
A 6 week public engagement period was undertaken, where people were encouraged to view information on the draft masterplan and fill in a survey. We also held two drop in events where people could meet the team, view information on boards and ask questions. Feedback received during the engagement period was used to inform the final draft of the masterplan.
Engagement feedback analysed – July 2022 to August 2022
Read the full public engagement report.
The final masterplan was amended using the feedback from the public engagement.
Final masterplan approved by our cabinet – November 2022
Masterplan published – December 2022
Read the final masterplan.
Next steps
We will keep this page updated as the masterplan projects progress. If you have any queries regarding this project you can email
This project is funded by the West of England Combined Authority & Local Enterprise Partnership through the Investment Fund, administered by the West of England Combined Authority.