Since April 2023 we have worked in partnership with local people to create an ambitious new plan to transform Kingswood’s High Street to make it more vibrant, attractive and accessible to all.

The new plan – which has been approved and funded by the West of England Combined Authority through the Investment Fund – replaces an earlier pedestrianisation proposal put forward in the Kingswood Masterplan.

That idea was rejected by local people at consultation.

About the plan

Those who responded to the consultation told us they want to see the high street transformed into a welcoming and accessible space for everyone to enjoy.

The new plan includes:

  • improvements to shop fronts
  • physical improvements to Regent Street
  • improvements to the overall appearance of Regent Street
  • introducing plants and greenery
  • space for markets and events

Public outdoor spaces play a key role to play in bringing people together and creating healthier, more liveable towns and cities. Their look and feel directly affects how and where we meet, walk, exercise, play, shop, eat and socialise.

These initiatives aim to deliver the change people said they want to see in the town centre.

Next steps

Our initial focus will be working with businesses on Regent Street to deliver a programme of shop front improvements. Shop owners will work with architects on the designs.

Subsequent phases of work will include improvements to the wider ‘streetscape’ of Regent Street – the pavements, seating, planting, lighting etc – and investment in public spaces in the town centre.

Working with Kings Chase, we are supporting a series of Sunday Social markets from October 2024 to bring people into Kingswood. We are also working to develop opportunities for more events and activities in the town.

Over the coming months, we will share more details of when people will see the changes start to happen and how people can get involved.

We will keep talking to and working with the community, having conversations, as we move into the design and development stages of the work.

Keep updated

For the latest news and information about what is happening in Kingswood sign up to the Kingswood Regeneration team’s regular email updates.

Updates will also be posted on our social media, Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor, and on our new consultations platform Commonplace.

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