Due to essential maintenance some of our online account services will be unavailable on Thursday 13 February from 5pm to 8pm.

We have a range of cycle facilities from dedicated cycle paths to cycle parking in public places.  

We regularly inspect roads, cycle paths and footways to identify any problems that need our attention. 

You can report a pothole, damaged road, footpath or cycleway to us. 

Cycle routes 

You can discover your nearest cycling routes using Better by Bike’s cycle route page.  

These include Greenways, Quietways and the Sustrans National Cycle Network across the West of England area. 

You can also find information on which public rights of way cyclists can use.

Your views 

You can help us to improve cycle facilities and extend the cycle network. To make suggestions or raise issues, you can contact us using the details on this page or attend our cycle forum.


You can view and comment on consultations on transport schemes, new policies and strategy documents by visiting our public consultation page. 

Cycle strategy 

We have a cycle strategy that was set out in 2016. It sets out our approach to making cycling simpler, safer and more attractive for all. 

Our strategic cycling and walking priorities for the major urban areas are outlined within the West of England Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

In addition, our transport strategy is set out within the Joint Local Transport Plan (JLTP4) which was adopted in 2020 and covers the period up to 2036. The JLTP4 covers the West of England area including South Gloucestershire.

If you have any comments or queries about cycle strategy or policy issues, then contact us at transport.policy@southglos.gov.uk or raise them at the cycle forum.

More information 

You can find more information on cycling on the Better by Bike website. 

Beta This is our beta website