Cycle forum
Cycle forums are informal meetings that are open to the public where we discuss cycling in the area.
A council officer will be there to hear your views and councillors with an interest often attend as well.
You can either stay for the whole session or pop in for a short time.
Each forum has a session devoted to:
- behaviour change issues (cycle training, wheels to work scheme, cycle journey planning)
- technical issues (cycle lanes, cycle tracks)
Attend a meeting
A date and venue for the next cycle forum meeting will be confirmed in the year.
If you would like to attend, email
Cycle forum meetings are normally held virtually on Microsoft Teams.
Meeting notes
You can use the downloads section of this page to view the meeting notes and actions from the most recent cycle forum. Contact us by email if you would like the minutes from older forums.
Raise issues
You can raise issues with us directly. You can do this by:
- email:
- phone: 01454 868004
- post: South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Place, Strategic Transport Policy, PO Box 1954, Bristol, BS37 0DD