Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

If you receive housing benefit or council tax reduction, you will need to let us know when you move home or if there is a change to your household or personal circumstances.

Report a change of address

To report a change of address, complete our change of address form and provide evidence to enable us to process your claim at your new address.

Report a change of circumstances

You will need to provide evidence of any changes in your circumstances.

Changes can include:

  • starting or stopping work, education, training or an apprenticeship
  • changes to the benefits you or anyone else in your house gets
  • changes to your personal or workplace pension
  • changes to your savings, investments or property
  • your income going up or down
  • your rent going up or down
  • going abroad for any length of time
  • going into hospital, a care home or sheltered accommodation
  • people moving into or out of your house (for example your partner, a child or lodger)
  • having a baby
  • your childcare costs increase or decrease
  • your partner or someone you live with dying
  • your child turning 18
  • changes to your immigration status, if you are not a British citizen
  • if anyone starts to receive Carers Allowance for you

If you have a change in your circumstances and you are not sure if we need to know, tell us anyway.

The online form is best filled out on a laptop or computer. You can access computers for free at your local library.

Send your completed form and evidence by:

• emailing housingbenefit@southglos.gov.uk
• visiting us in person at one of our One Stop Shops
• by post

Where possible provide original documents. We may ask for further evidence if it is required.

It is your responsibility to report any changes in circumstances to us as soon as they happen.

If you do not tell us about a change straight away, it could result in you losing out on benefit or receiving too much and being asked to repay it.

It is not the responsibility of any other organisation, such as Department for Work and Pensions or HM Revenue and Customs, to inform us about your changes.

Privacy notice

Find out how we collect, use and share your data in our privacy notice for housing benefit, discretionary housing payments and local council tax reduction.

Sometimes we need information about other people who live in the same household as you so we can work out how much you will be eligible for.

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