Chair of Council
Our Chair of Council is Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi. The Vice Chair is Councillor Katie Cooper.
The Chair is elected annually by our councillors and is a non-political role. The role of the chair is to lead official council meetings and represent the council at events.
Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi Councillor Katie Cooper
The Chair and Vice Chair perform important ambassadorial roles, including representing the council at civic functions and chairing council meetings.
They attend events such as official openings of new buildings, launching new projects, award ceremonies, local festivals, concerts, church services, schools and care homes.
Both the Chair and Vice Chair attend monthly citizenship ceremonies at Kingswood Civic Centre.
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Charity work
Each year the new Chair selects a charity to support for the year ahead, with donations received during that time presented at the end of the Chair’s term of office.
Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi has chosen to support Gympanzees, an organisation that offers children and young people with disabilities opportunities to keep active by providing accessible play, exercise, and social facilities.
Chair's community awards
The Chair’s annual community awards recognise and celebrate the valuable contribution local unpaid volunteers make to life in South Gloucestershire.
You can see the winners of the individual and community group awards on our community awards page.
Contact the Chair of Council
Contact the Chair of Council by:
- email:
- phone: 01454 863019
- post: Chair of Council, PO Box 1953, Badminton Road Office, Badminton Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 0DE
Previous Chairs of Council
1995/96 – Councillor Eddie Gadsby
1996/97 – Councillor Les Bishop
1997/98 – Councillor Sue Hope

1998/99 – Councillor Rudi Springer
1999/20 and 2000/01 Councillor Arthur Adams
2001/02 – Councillor Alan Bracey
2002/03 – Councillor Jeanette Ward
2003/04 – Councillor Sue Walker

2004/05 – Councillor June Lovell
2005/06 – Councillor Alan Lawrance
2006/07 – Councillor Jim Cullimore
2007/08 – Councillor Sandra O’Neill
2008/09 – Councillor Brian Freeguard
2009/10 – Councillor Shirley Holloway

2010/11 – Councillor Janet Biggin

2011/12 – Councillor Mike Drew

2012/13 – Councillor Janet Biggin
2013/14 – Councillor Ian Boulton

2014/15 – Councillor Howard Gawler

2015/16 and 2016/17 – Councillor Erica Williams

2017/18 – Councillor Ian Blair

2018/19 – Councillor Rachael Hunt

2019/20 – Councillor Brian Allinson

2020/21 – Councillor June Bamford

2021/22 – Councillor Ruth Davis

2022/23 – Councillor Sanjay Shambhu

2023/24 – Councillor Mike Drew