The council is made up of 61 councillors elected every 4 years. Councillors are democratically accountable to residents of their ward. 

Councillors have a duty to the whole community but they have a special duty to their ward constituents.  

The constitution

The council has agreed a constitution which sets out how the council operates and the procedures followed in making decisions. 


Councillors agree to follow a code of conduct to ensure high standards in the way they undertake their duties. 

All councillors meet to decide the overall policy framework and to set budgets. These meetings are normally open to the public. 

Chair of Council and Leader of the Council

The council appoints the Chair of Council who performs a civic role like a mayor. A Leader of the Council is appointed and they fulfil a political role.  The council also appoints the chairs of the decision making committees. 

Our Chair of Council is Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi. The Leader of the Council is Councillor Maggie Tyrrell (Liberal Democrat) and the Co-Leader is Councillor Ian Boulton (Labour).

Meetings and committees

To make decisions, the council appoints different committees. The decisions are recorded in the minutes of the committee meetings.

Members of the council may present petitions on behalf of their constituents, ask questions of executive councillors or submit motions for debate at meetings.

They may also contribute views during a meeting on a matter being discussed.

Members of the public may also make statements, ask questions or present petitions at any council or committee meeting.

Council employees

The council employs staff to give advice, implement decisions and manage and deliver services.

Some staff have a specific duty to ensure that the council acts within the law and uses its resources wisely.

A code of practice governs the relationships between employees and members of the council.

How decisions are made


Council is the decision making forum for major policy issues of significance to the council and the people of South Gloucestershire.


The Executive or Cabinet is the part of the council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions.

The Cabinet is made up of:

  • the Leader of the Council (elected by the Council)
  • between 2 and 9 executive members (appointed by the Leader)

Together they form the Cabinet and make decisions which are in line with the council’s overall policies and budget. If these decisions are to be discussed with council officers and decided at a meeting of the Cabinet, this will generally be open for the public to attend, except where confidential or exempt matters are being discussed.

Cabinet members

Decisions can also be made by individual Cabinet members on matters within their “portfolio” of responsibilities.

Non-executive committees

Various non-executive committees are appointed by the Council to make decisions on those matters which cannot be the responsibility of the Executive or Cabinet (e.g. development control, licensing and public rights of way)


Delegated powers are also given to council officers to make operational or more routine decisions in relation to the services they manage for the council within the provision of revenue or capital budgets for their service or to agree individual items of expenditure or virement beyond that permitted by Standing Orders relating to contracts and financial regulations.

Executive forward plan

When decisions are to be discussed or made by the Cabinet collectively or by individual Cabinet members, these are published in the Executive’s forward plan in so far as they can be anticipated.  Proposed decisions by the Cabinet collectively or individual Cabinet members are published at least five clear working days before they are made.

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