Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

You must apply for permission to temporarily close a bus stop if you are planning roadworks that affect a bus route or obstruct a bus stop.

If it’s a busy bus stop a temporary relocation will be needed.

We ask that all roadworks take place outside of peak commuter hours and school term time wherever possible, to reduce disruption to commuters and bus operators.


The fees are:

  • £150 for the temporary closure of a bus stop or pair of bus stops (including required publicity such as putting up and taking down of notices)
  • £100 for a temporary bus stop

Before you apply

You will need:

  • bus stop location (road name, area, and if known the bus stop name or names)
  • dates and times of the planned work
  • number of bus stops affected
Download the application form

Complete the form and email it to publictransport@southglos.gov.uk

What happens next

We will contact you within 3 working days.

If we approve your application we will explain the next steps and payment arrangements.

A separate permit will be needed to carry out the roadworks.

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