Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

You need to submit plans of your project, along with supporting information and evidence. This helps us to understand the work you propose to carry out. 

If you submit personal (medical) or financial information in support of your application, you need to tell us if you agree for this information to be publicly available. 

What to submit 

Which documents you need to submit depends on the type of planning application you are submitting.  

The Nationally Set Planning Application Requirements cover 14 planning areas such as application forms, certificates, site plans and access statements.  These should be read together with the Local Planning Application Requirements to help you decide which plans and documents are relevant to your application. 

Our planning application guidance explains the type and standard of plans and drawings that may be required when submitting your application. 

Further information and guidance is also available on the planning portal 

Submitting online 

Once you have all of the necessary supporting documents, you can submit your planning application online using the planning portal. 

For major developments, including those submitted online using the planning portal, we may still require paper copies to be sent to us. 

Submitting by post 

We recommend that you apply online, however application forms can be downloaded as PDF documents which you can print out, complete and submit by post. 

If you are submitting your application by post, you can include a letter giving other information that you consider to be important when we consider your application.  

You must obtain prior agreement from us before submitting any supporting documents on either computer cd rom or USB memory sticks, to ensure the application is not returned as invalid. 

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