Station Road is an important gateway into Yate, as well as being home to a diverse range of businesses and popular community facilities.

Based on feedback from local residents and businesses, we are developing proposals for a coordinated package of transport related changes for the area.

The aim is to make it safer and easier for everyone to get about the area on foot, by wheelchair, bike, bus or car.

About the project

This project is part of a programme of works funded by WECA through the government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement fund.

WECA was awarded £540 million in April 2022 to investment in public transport and better walking and cycling infrastructure across the West of England region.

We are committed to working with the local community on developing the proposals for the Station Road area through a co-design process. We want to have an open discussion about what will make it a better place for all.

A wider project to improve the A432, between Yate and the A4174 Avon Ring Road, and along the ring road between the Wick Wick roundabout and Coldharbour Lane is also being considered. You can find out more about this on our consultation page.

What we are doing

In February 2023 we held community drop-in sessions at Yate Parish Hall, which more than 100 local people attended.

Topics discussed included:

  • public transport
  • junction improvements
  • walking, cycling and wheeling access
  • public spaces
  • parking

Lots of people who came to the drop-in sessions signed up to be part of a Station Road focus group.

You can read a report on the feedback we have gathered.

Next steps

We will work with the Station Road focus group and other stakeholders to develop proposals to make Station Road a better place for all.

You can read a:

Further design updates will take place in early 2024.

Keep updated

Updates will also be posted on our Facebook and Twitter accounts and through Nextdoor.

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