Waiting restrictions

You can suggest having waiting restrictions installed on your road or in your area if you are experiencing a particular parking issue.

Examples of waiting restrictions are:

  • double yellow lines
  • single yellow lines
  • limited waiting bays
  • residents parking schemes

To be able to install any of the above we have to follow a legal process and issue a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).

How to request waiting restrictions

Complete the waiting restriction request form and email it to transportservices@southglos.gov.uk

What happens next

We only have the resources to progress a very limited number of requests each financial year. We therefore prioritise roads where waste and recycling lorries regularly cannot get through.

These locations are taken forward to progress through the TRO process.

Requests where waste and recycling lorries are not obstructed are still recorded but will only be considered if waiting restrictions in your road are being reviewed.

Keep clear markings

Keep clear marking are advisory markings only, they are not enforceable and not always effective.

Introducing them in one place can move the parking problem to another unsuitable location. Too many can also result in drivers ignoring them.

Whilst we consider all requests for keep clear road markings carefully we will only introduce them in places where they are likely to be most effective.

At least one of the following conditions must apply:

  • emergency or service vehicles have experienced access problems
  • there is an identified injury accident problem
  • it may not be obvious that vehicle access is required
  • parked vehicles obstruct pedestrian crossing points
  • visibility at junctions is reduced

Private driveways

We do not provide keep clear markings to control parking across or either side of private driveways.

Where these already exist we do not refresh or maintain them.

How to request keep clear markings

You can submit a request using the contact details on this page.

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