If you are interested in becoming an accredited planning agent you must be able to demonstrate that you make high quality householder applications.

The accredited planning agents scheme aims to:

  • promote the submission of planning applications that meet the required standard (this streamlines the process and enables quicker decisions)
  • encourage good working relationships between the council and planning agents

By becoming an accredited agent, you will benefit from:

  • a fast-track service
  • regular updates on application submissions
  • an annual meeting with our planning team and other accredited agents

Read the accredited planning agents scheme code of practice

Accredited agents will be required to submit correctly completed planning applications including:

  • a completed certificate of ownership
  • payment of the correct fee
  • an up-to-date site location plan at a scale of 1:1250, with the site outlined in red
  • a block plan at 1:500 or 1:200
  • other plans as needed, which should be of good quality, accurately drawn to a metric scale, and with key dimensions noted on the plans
  • any additional information that is required to fully comply with the council’s planning applications requirements (for example an access statement for development within a conservation area)

You will also be expected to:

  • include a completed an accredited agents checklist with every householder planning application
  • act in a professional manner and not bring the council’s reputation into disrepute
  • attend an annual agents’ meeting to keep up to date on relevant topics
  • follow our guidelines for how to use the accredited agent identity (logo) 

We will:

  • register and validate your householder planning applications within one working day
  • keep you informed of the progress of the application through email or phone
  • notify you as soon as a preliminary assessment has been made, advising of the likely outcome
  • monitor your applications to ensure that the quality level is maintained
  • provide a list of accredited agents on our website
  • supply you with a South Gloucestershire Council accredited planning agent logo
  • reserve the right to withdraw you from the scheme if you submit two applications within a six-month period where errors are found, or in any other way breach this code of practice


How to apply

You will need to:

  • agree to abide by the accredited planning agents scheme code of practice
  • submit 3 consecutive householder planning applications that meet the accredited agents checklist

Email your completed form to: registrationteam@southglos.gov.uk

What happens next

We will:

  • assess your householder planning applications to check that they meet the standards
  • confirm if you have been approved

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