Food hygiene ratings
A food hygiene rating tells consumers about the hygiene standards of a food premises to help them choose where to eat or shop for food.
The ratings are on the Food Standard Agency website.
The rating helps customers to make informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
The scheme gives businesses a rating from 5 to 0 where 5 shows hygiene standards are very good and 0 shows urgent improvements are required.
Information for food businesses
During inspections the officer checks how well your business is meeting the law by looking at:
- handling of food
- how food is stored
- how food is prepared
- cleanliness of facilities
- how food safety is managed
The officer will explain to the food business operator what improvements are needed. All businesses should be able to reach the top rating of 5.
You will be told your rating at the end of your inspection or within 14 days.
Before making an appeal, food business operators should contact the food safety officer to understand why the rating was given. If you still think that the rating is unfair or wrong, you can appeal in writing.
You must make your appeal within 21 days (including weekends and bank holidays) from the date of receiving the hygiene rating notification letter. The rating will not appear on the national website until the appeal is determined.
Use the Food Standard Agency’s application form to appeal.
Return the completed appeal form to the lead officer for food. Contact details are provided with the written notification of your food hygiene rating.
Appeals will be determined within 21 days from when the appeal was made. The rating will then be published.
Request a reinspection
If the improvements stated in your initial food hygiene inspection have been completed and you can show they are being maintained, you can pay for a reinspection visit.
The fee is £225 and includes administration, officer travel, inspection time and the follow up report.
How to apply
Step 1: Apply for a reinspection by completing an application form and emailing it to
Step 2: Make your payment online by selecting the other payments option. From the dropdown menu, choose food health and safety and then food hygiene rating scheme reinspection.

The fee can also be paid by phoning 01454 868001 and quoting food hygiene rating scheme reinspection.
You must pay the £225 reinspection fee before the visit takes place.
Next steps
After you have applied and paid, the reinspection will happen within three months. It will be unannounced and a full inspection will be conducted by a different officer than your original inspection.
This officer will give you a new food hygiene rating based on the food hygiene standards found at the time of the visit. This rating is not guaranteed to change.
Right to reply
The owner of the food business can make comments on the rating given. These comments can be displayed on the website giving reasons for the rating.
To reply you must complete the Food Standard Agency’s right to reply form.