The Children and Young People’s needs assessment reports on a range of outcomes, needs and inequalities.

About the Needs Assessment

The assessment covers broad topics of health, wellbeing and education for children and young people in South Gloucestershire. 

It brings together data, evidence and local insight to help identify some of the biggest issues children and young people face. It also identifies where the greatest inequalities lie and helps to develop local plans, strategies and identify where future research is needed.

What it means

The needs assessment will help children and young people in South Gloucestershire by:

  • highlighting current and potential future needs for children and young people
  • identifying which health, wellbeing, or educational outcomes are of concern from a prevalence or inequalities point of view and make recommendations for how to address them or what further research is required
  • recognising gaps in intelligence and information and what systemwide enhancements can be made
  • providing a holistic understanding of the social, economic, environmental and other factors that are associated with poor health or wellbeing outcomes or difficulties with education
  • making sure that inequalities and vulnerabilities of children and young people are considered at an individual and population level

Read the 2023 assessment

Read the 2023 needs assessment:

Summary for education settings

You can also find our Children and Young People Needs Assessment summary for education settings.

These settings are early years, primary and secondary. The summaries include key findings and recommendations based on the needs assessment.

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