Who needs a temporary event notice

You will need to apply for a temporary event notice (TEN) if you want to carry out a licensable activity on unlicensed premises indoors or outdoors.  

Licensable activity includes: 

  • selling alcohol 
  • serving alcohol to members of a private club 
  • providing entertainment, such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events 
  • serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am 


You must follow these restrictions: 

  • have 499 or less people attending your event 
  • the event must last no more than 7 days 
  • you must be aged 18 years or older to apply 

How to apply

You can apply for a TEN by using our online form.

To find notes and guidance, select the question mark symbol on the form.


For each TEN you apply for there is a fee. For fees, use our fees and charges information.

Number of notices you can apply for

You need a TEN for each event you hold at the same premises. An event must last no more than 168 hours (7 days).

You can submit up to 5 TENs per calendar year. However, if you hold a personal licence to sell alcohol, you can submit up to 50 TENs per calendar year.

A single premises can have up to 20 TENs applied per calendar year, with an overall limit of no more than 26 event days.

If you are organising separate but consecutive events at the same premises, there must be at least 24 hours between them.

Late TENs

You can apply for a late TEN up to 5 working days before the event. 

If you do not hold a personal licence, you can serve up to 5 notices – 2 may be late. 

If you hold a personal licence, the limit is 50 notices – 10 may be late.


Once the police or environmental health team receive the application for your TEN, they have three working days to make any objections to it on the grounds of any of the 4 licensing objectives: 

  • prevention of crime and disorder 
  • prevention of public nuisance 
  • public safety 
  • protection of children from harm 

If they object, we will organise a hearing to consider the evidence.

If there is an objection to a late TEN, the event will not be allowed to proceed.  

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