Warmley Forest Park is an area of woodland, hedgerows and paths in Warmley. It has large open grasslands, woodlands, Siston Brook and a large pond.

How do I get there

The main entrance for Warmley Forest Park is off Warmley High Street. There is free parking on Station Close.

You can find cycle racks by Warmley Waiting Room.

There are also many bus services that run to Warmley. You can use Travelwest’s journey planner for more information.


Warmley, Bristol, BS30 5JB



The main paths are accessible for wheelchair users and pushchairs.


You can find toilets in the Station Close car park and a café called Warmley Waiting Room.  

Community support

There are 2 community groups near the Warmley Forest Park. There is Warmley Signal Box and Gardens and the Friends of Siston Commons.

Both groups are active in organising events and practical work days.


There are many habitats for wildlife in the woodland, grassland meadows, pond and Siston Brook.

Species breeding in the plantations and scrub include bullfinch, chiffchaff, song thrush, garden warbler, whitethroat and lesser whitethroat.

Skylarks breed just outside the site and sparrowhawk, kestrel and buzzard often feed over the park.

Winter visitors include redwing, fieldfare and siskin.

Dragonflies and damselflies are found around the lake such as emperors, black-tailed skimmers and four-spotted chasers. Common frogs and common toads both breed on the site.


Warmley Forest Park lies on the site of an old clay quarry.

Earth banks and ponds are filled in quarries and are evidence of this industrial activity.

Alongside the forest park are the remains of the Dramway and former Midland Railway line between Bristol and Bath which is now the Bristol and Bath Railway Path.

More information

The site has a permanent orienteering trail.

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