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The Gorse Covert local nature reserve is an area of woodland, hedgerows and paths in Patchway. There is a pond, flower meadow and grasslands.

The small woodland is surrounded by housing on the north and south sides.

How to get there

The nature reserve can be accessed from a public path on Coniston Road.

There are also many bus services that run to Coniston Road. You can use Travelwest’s journey planner for more information.


Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5NE



The paths through the woodland are unsurfaced and can be muddy in places. A surfaced path runs around the boundary of the woodland.


There are informal paths in the wood that are well used by local people.

There is a cycle path that connects the Mall shopping centre to the Bristol North fringe and runs alongside the woodland.

Community support

The nature reserve is cared for by the Patchway and Charlton Hayes Nature Group. It is made up of a group of residents who help us manage the reserve.

You find out more or contact the group on their Patchway and Charlton Hayes Wildlife Group Facebook page.


The woodland is made up of mature ash and oak trees with scrub growing beneath that include hawthorn and hazel.

In spring the woodland floor has bluebells and wood anemones in flower. The pond is home to newts and frogs.


A covert is a dense area of woodland, providing cover for game animals.

Within living memory Patchway was farmland attached to the Over Court estate. The woodland was home to pheasants, foxes and deer, who took shelter in the woodland.

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