The Wapley Bushes local nature reserve is an area of ancient woodland, flower meadows and paths on the outskirts of Yate and Dodington. It has a pond and a community orchard.

How to get there

The nature reserve can be accessed from Besom Lane in Wapley and from Shire Way in Yate, next to the zebra crossing.

There are also bus services that stop on Shire Way. You can use Travelwest’s journey planner for more information.


Besom Lane, Bristol, BS37 8RP



Wapley Bushes nature reserve is accessible for wheelchair users and pushchairs.

There is a well surfaced path that runs along the bottom of Wapley Bushes and through the common and community orchard. 

The woodland itself has unsurfaced paths that run around the woodland and grassland meadows.


You can find interpretation panels that give you information on the habitats found.

The main path that runs through the common is also a cycle path that links Wapley with Yate.

Community support

The nature reserve is cared for by the Wapley Bushes conservation group. It is made up of a group of residents who help us manage the reserve.

They organise a range of events and practical workdays to help raise awareness of the nature reserve and to enhance its biodiversity.

You can find out more or contact the conservation group on their Wapley Bushes conservation group blog.


The reserve contains flower-rich meadows with displays of colour in spring and summer.

There is an ancient woodland with a mix of trees including oaks and ash trees. Underneath these are smaller trees and shrubs like hawthorn, hazel, field maple and holly.

There are a variety of plants from bluebells to ferns. The woodland and meadows and the hedgerows that link the two together are home to a number of birds, mammals and insects.

The site is an important habitat for local wildlife and therefore is an excellent place to visit to study nature.

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