Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

The Public Access system allows you to view and comment on planning applications and appeals online, as well as details of building control applications. This page sets out the terms and conditions for its use. By accessing the service you accept and acknowledge these terms and conditions.


The documents, plans and supporting information on Public Access have been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council in order to apply for planning permission. They are protected by the copyright act (section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988).

You may use download and use material from Public Access for consultation purposes. However, further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Specific copyright restrictions apply to Ordnance Survey plans and address information used on this site. Activities that breach intellectual property rights are serious offences with established civil and criminal penalties including imprisonment.

Data protection and security

Planning applications and their associated paperwork are published lawfully as a public register for consultation, in accordance with planning legislation. We (South Gloucestershire Council) will publish any comments made on planning applications (including those made electronically) on Public Access, this may include personal information such as addresses contained within the comments.

We do not accept ‘confidential’ comments. By sending your comments you confirm that you agree to this and accept legal responsibility for your comments.

Defamatory, racist, discriminatory and other statements that are not relevant for planning considerations will not be published.

For further information and advice on the publication of planning applications and associated correspondence online read how to comment on planning applications.

This information is held electronically and is used only for planning purposes. Inappropriate use of included personal information by participants or other website visitors will incur legal penalties.

Your rights

You have a number of rights relating to your personal information, for example to see what we hold, to ask us to share it with another party, ask us to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object to or restrict processing of it or to make a complaint.

If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled please contact our Data Protection Officer at DPO@southglos.gov.uk or write to us at Data Protection Officer, PO Box 1953, Badminton Road Office, Badminton Road, Bristol, BS37 0DE and we will be pleased to help you.


South Gloucestershire Council makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on Public Access but cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of the information provided.

Although information is updated regularly, it is not a substitute for a local search. Also, some applications may be incomplete, and not contain all of the documents on the application.

Beta This is our beta website