Driver and operator licence

A driver licence needs to be renewed every 3 years and some refresher training will be required.

An operator licence needs to be renewed every 5 years.

You must renew your licence 7 days before the expiry date. You can find the expiry date on your badge or licence.

It is your responsibility to renew your licence before it expires.

A renewal appointment can be made up to one month before the expiry date. To book email with your licence number, name and address.

You must complete a tax check as part of the renewal process.
Guidance on completing a tax check (GOV.UK)

What to do if your licence has expired

If your licence has expired you will need to apply as a new applicant and will not be able to do any licensed work until the full process has been completed.

Vehicle licence

A vehicle licence needs to be renewed every year.

A vehicle can be re-licensed for up to 10 years from the date of first registration if it has met all other licensing requirements.

It is your responsibility to renew your licence before it expires. You should consider doing this a month in advance. We do not send reminders.

To renew your vehicle licence, email us before your licence expires to book an appointment

You will need to provide the original supporting information from when you originally applied.

You will also need a 6 month fitness test certification if your vehicle is between 3 and 10 years old, or a 4 and 8 month fitness test certificate if over 10 years old.

If your licence expires you will need to make a new vehicle licence application.

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