Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

Child protection and care

In July 2015 and until further notice, the Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse issued an instruction advising all local authorities not to destroy any records with content relating directly or indirectly to the sexual abuse of children or to child protection and care.

Individual services

Use the links below to download the record retention schedules for each of our services.

Adult care services

Carers | Community support | Residential homes | Supporting adults | Supporting disabilities

Children and families services

Adoptions | Fostering | Looked after children | Early years provision | Safeguarding management | 0-25 service (special educational needs and disabilities, education health and care plans) | Targeted intervention and support | Youth offender supervision and support.

Community safety

Civil emergency planning and response | Complaint investigation and enforcement | Food premises inspection and monitoring | Pest control inspection, monitoring and removal | Safety registration and licensing | Sample and product testing

Cemeteries and funerals

Burial identity and location | Memorial permits and leases | Public health funeral


Decision making | Governance | Member support | Representation

Economic development

Business and intelligence | Promotion | Training


Access and inclusion | Admissions and exclusions | Education psychology | Education welfare | Community learning | Management of schools


Historic environment protection and improvement | Natural environment protection and improvement


Finance | Accounting and reporting | Banking administration | Budgets management | External funding acquisition | Financial planning | Grant funding administration | Income processing | Loans and leasing administration | Local taxation | Nursery education grants | Payroll and pensions | Procurement | Purchasing and payment processing | Taxes management

Health and safety

Accident and incident reporting and investigation | Advice provision | Risk Assessment


Advice and support | Enforcement | Housing provision | Housing stock

Human resources

Employee management | Industrials relations management | Performance monitoring and review | Recruitment | Terms and Conditions of employment


Backing up data | Case management | Estate configuration | Knowledge base | Logs | Management | Operational management | Server and user data | Solution management.

Information management

CCTV recording | Information access and security management | Information governance management | Records storage management | Voice call recording

Legal services

Advice | Byelaws | Land and highways | Land registration | Litigation | Management of legal activities | Planning administration

Leisure and culture

Allotments | Arts | Libraries | Museums and heritage | Parks and open spaces | Sports


Business planning | Communications management and marketing | Complaints management | Consultation and engagement | Directors’ decisions | Events management | Feedback processing | Meetings | Performance monitoring and reporting | Policy and procedures development | Research and analysis | Strategic planning | Transformation and change management

Physical assets and property

Equipment management | Facilities management | Land access agreements & licensing | Land and premises acquisition and disposal | Premises design and construction supervision | Vehicle and fleet maintenance

Planning and development control

Building control | Complaint and investigation and enforcement | Developer contribution and obligation negotiation | Minerals and waste processing and site inspection and monitoring | Planning application processing | Planning consultation processing | Trees and hedges

Public health

Children and young people | Drug and alcohol services | Healthcare public health advice | Health inequalities | Health protection and emergency planning | Health and wellbeing strategy | Maternity services | NHS health checks | Play Streets | Physical activity, nutrition and obesity | Public health intelligence and research | Sexual health | Schools | Stop smoking services

Registration services

Marriage services | Registration of births, marriages and deaths

Risk management and insurance

Audit | Business continuity planning | Insurance claims administration | Insurance policies administration

Transport and infrastructure

Highway adoption and dedication | Highway asset management | Highway maintenance | Highway scheme deliver | Highway works regulation | Passenger transport concessions and provision | Rights of way network management | Traffic management

Waste and cleansing management

Fly tipping | Street cleaning | Waste collection | Waste disposal | Waste reduction

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