Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

It is against the law to leave mud on roads.  

Those parties leaving mud on the road are responsible for cleaning up within a timely manner.


As the Local Highway Authority (LHA) we have a duty to assert and protect the rights of road users.  

If the responsible party is unable or refuses to clean the road the LHA retain the rights to clean the road under Section 149 of the Highways Act 1980

The LHA may recover all expenses from the relevant party.


The responsible parties must seek to do the following: 

  • do everything possible to stop mud getting on the road  
  • clean mud from vehicles as far as practicable  
  • only use the Slippery Road triangle with Mud on Road sub plate and if needed the Men at Work sign (signs must be at least 750mm)
  • make sure signs are positioned to give maximum visibility and warning to other road users in compliance with street works guidance
  • clean the road as needed during the working day and always at the end of the working day 
  • when using a contractor you must agree on who is responsible for mud on road issues (signage and cleaning) and make sure adequate public liability insurance is in place 
  • be prepared to hire-in equipment, checking availability in advance 
  • be prepared to keep a written record of your decisions on whether to use warning signs and to clean the road 

How to report a spillage 

You can tell us about a spillage on our report a spillage on a road, footpath or cycleway  page. 

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