Linking the Greens
What we are doing and why
The Linking the Greens project is being delivered to enhance and promote sustainable travel in the Emersons Green and Lyde Green area and improve connections between the two communities, which sit either side of the A4174 Avon Ring Road.
The scheme will also look to promote cultural links between Emersons Green and Lyde Green through a public art programme.
Linking the Greens will focus on making improvements to the existing Newlands Bridge over the A4174 Avon Ring Road, as well as improving the pedestrian and cycling facilities either side of the bridge to better link Lyde Green with the Emersons Green retail park.

Work will include:
- a new /improved shared-use path from Lyde Green across to Emersons Green via the existing Newlands Bridge footbridge comprising:
- a new footpath in line with Public Right Of Way into the Lyde Green residential development
- a new landscaped cycle/pedestrian corridor around the land adjacent to the Emersons Green skate park with lighting
- refurbishment of the existing footbridge including resurfacing, replacing movement joints, painting concrete surfaces and column strengthening
- construction of new steps at the northern end of the existing footbridge

Improvements to the wider area include:
- new composite footbridge over the Folly Brook at the end of Apple Grove to the north edge of the Lyde Green development
- de-silting and environmental enhancements to ponds at Emersons Green
- Emersons Way / Betts Green – resurface/remove failing block paving at traffic calming features and around gullies
- Johnson Road /Church Farm Road– resurface/remove failing block paving at traffic calming features and around gullies. Replace existing priority road narrowings with speed tables.
- lighting of Ring Road cycleway/footway (where required)
- southern end of Newlands Bridge towards Wick Wick roundabout
- northern end of Newlands Bridge towards Rosary roundabout
Other safety improvements in the local area include:
- completion of the B4465 Pucklechurch to Ring Road shared-use path
- pedestrian guardrails at Rosary Roundabout
- traffic calming scheme on the Sainsbury`s access road (near the petrol station)
- Science Park cycle signage
- Public Right Of Way diversion / multi user/ active travel link adjacent to Westerleigh Road (behind hedge) to replace proposed diversion
The Linking the Greens project is being funded via developer contributions, the council and the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the government’s Local Growth and Getting Building funds, administered by the West of England Combined Authority.
Public art programme
The public art programme will build on the infrastructure changes planned and help support the creation of better links between Emersons Green and Lyde Green, building on the sense of community between the two areas.
Artist Kerry Lemon will be supporting the Linking the Greens public art programme.
For information about Kerry and her work, visit her website:
Latest project news
December 2023
Pucklechurch B4465 shared-use path
Trial holes and vegetation clearance were completed in January 2023 in preparation for the main scheme. The main path construction ran from April to July, with landscaping works and tree planting following in November.
During this time, negotiations with the owner of the land required to construct the final section of path, (approximately 70m long), were ongoing. They reached a successful conclusion in November. Following the transfer of the land, site clearance and fencing works will take place, allowing for construction of the final section of path early in 2024.
Traffic calming and pedestrian crossing improvements on Willowherb Road, Lyde Green
A new pedestrian refuge was constructed in February 2023 and further proposed works include:
- a toucan (pedestrian and cycle) crossing at the junction with Newlands Lane
- a speed table north of Hawthorn Way
- a zebra crossing east of Pennycress Close
Statutory Notices for the speed table and crossing were advertised in November. Subject to any objections received during the statutory notice period, construction will follow during 2024.
October 2022
Newlands Bridge
The column strengthening work at Newlands Bridge, over the A4174 Ring Road, was completed in July 2021. Further work to design the new parapets was completed in October 2021.
The final stage of works, which will include the parapet replacement, resurfacing and replacing movements joints, has not started yet. Following the recent inflationary pressures and the need for coming in on budget, we are investigating whether changing the design of the parapets from stainless steel to aluminium will provide cost savings.
We are also finalising designs to refurbish the approach paths to the bridge to improve pedestrian and cycling access – we plan to re-surface and widen the shared path, while incorporating community artwork into the design.
This work will improve the asset and benefit the ongoing usage of the bridge. A construction programme will be drawn up pending the release of the Section 106 funding for the bridge refurbishments from the developer.
Public art project
Design work has been completed on the planned improvements to improve and enhance the areas on both sides of Newlands Bridge. This will include landscaping, street lighting, path and stone wall construction, and public art.
We propose to clear the area near Emersons Green skatepark, create two new pathways to improve access and landscape the site. We will also be introducing a series of community-inspired artwork, including a steel pergola and a four-metre bronze sculpture of a clover that is commonly found in the Emersons Green area. We will also be adding flood-lighting.
Folly Brook footbridge
The new footbridge at Weston Farm is now open to pedestrians. The footbridge over Folly Brook re-opens the public right of way linking Westerleigh Road with Jenner Boulevard in Lyde Green.
The 3m wide Fibre Reinforced Polymer composite footbridge was lowered into place across Folly Brook in July.
However, it is a right of way for walkers only and cyclists are not permitted to use it. Walkers are reminded that they should remain on the footpath at all times as they will be walking through private farmland with cattle. A kissing gate and new fencing have also been installed to ensure the livestock cannot access the bridge.
The work was carried out at part of the Linking the Greens project, which is bringing together the communities of Emersons Green and Lyde Green.
The Weston Farm footbridge being constructed
Environmental enhancements
We have carried out a series of environmental enhancement works to improve wetland habitats in Emersons Green and Lyde Green. This included de-silting, as well as additional planting and other environmental improvements at the following ponds:
- Blackhorse Pond, Weston Hills Drive
- Pond by Cynder Way
- Ponds at the entrance to Weston Brake
- Ponds A1 and A2 in Emersons Green Park
- Pond A3, Hicks Avenue
Specialist contractors carried out de-silting, as well as tree works to open up the tree canopy allowing more light onto the ponds. Removing the silt and introducing natural flood management systems will improve the habitats for wildlife, and the ponds will be able to hold more water, helping to manage water flow. This should reduce the frequency for de-silting works in the future.
This environmental enhancement work was completed in August.
5 November 2021
In addition to enhancing and promoting sustainable travel in Emersons Green and Lyde Green to improve connections between the two communities, there are a range of habitats and green spaces that need attention.
Many of these habitats are connected by streams and ponds which also slow water flow, protecting properties in the community and downstream from flooding.
Work to remove silt from a series of ponds is due to start this month. Removing the silt will improve the habitats for wildlife and help to manage water flow as the ponds will be able to hold more water.
The silt will be removed using excavators and lorries will need access to the ponds to transport the material. There may be some impact on parking for residents in the streets being used by the vehicles and we will contact those affected.
Traditional management and coppicing of trees to reduce shading and improve access to the ponds will take place before the excavation work starts.
There is also a programme of work to improve the paths and steps around the ponds.
The project includes works at the following ponds:
- Blackhorse Pond, Weston Hills Drive
- Pond by Cynder Way
- Ponds at the entrance to Weston Brake
- Ponds A1 and A2 in Emersons Green Park
- Pond A3, Hicks Avenue
3 September 2021
Lane closures will be in place on the A4174 Ring Road at Newlands footbridge from Monday 6 to Thursday 9 September between 9am and 3pm. The closures are needed to carry out the final repairs on the bridge.
On Monday 6 Sept and Tuesday 7 Sept lane 2 will be closed in directions to repair the central pier.
On Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 Sept lane 1 will be closed towards Sainsbury’s.
The lane closures will be removed at the end of each day.
3 August 2021
Road resurfacing in Emersons Green on the following roads:
- Johnson Rd – Monday 2 to Thursday 12 August – 24 hour closures
- Church Farm Rd – Friday 13 August to Wednesday 8 September – 24 hour closures
- Emersons Green (Sainsburys Entrance) – Thursday 9 September to Wednesday 6 October between 10pm and 6am
7 April 2021
Road resurfacing is due to start in Emersons Green this month on Johnson Road and sections of Emerson Way.
To enable this resurfacing work to take place road closures will need to be in place.
From Monday 12 April, for approximately one week, resurfacing work will take place along Johnson Road between its junction with Pinkers Mead and its junction with Wheelers Patch. During this time, the road will be closed to all through traffic between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.
From Monday 19 April, for approximately one week, resurfacing work will take place along Emerson Way, between its junction with Westerleigh Road and Youngs Court. During this time, the road will be closed to all through traffic. This road closure will need to remain in place around the clock.
From Monday 26 April, for approximately one week, resurfacing work will take place along Emerson Way, between its junction with Betts Green and Church Farm Road. During this time the road will be closed to all through traffic. This road closure will need to remain in place around the clock.
During the road closures diversion routes will be fully signposted.
We will endeavour to keep access open for local residents and businesses. Gatemen will be employed at each end of the closure to let residents into the closed road, but this will be dependent on the resurfacing works taking place at the time. Please note, this will be for access to properties and businesses only. Through traffic will not be allowed to enter the closed road and will have to use the diversion.
These dates may be subject to change and we will continue to keep the community up to date.
During the road closure bus services that currently travel along the road will need to be diverted. Further information will be available on the Travelwest website, visit
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this work.
1 February 2021
Improvement work has been taking place at Newlands Bridge, over the A4174 Avon Ring Road, as part of the Linking the Greens Project.
Due to unexpected site conditions, further work is now required for the column strengthening at the bridge. Unfortunately, this means the work programme needs to be extended and will not finish at the end of the week as previously announced.
We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and further design work is being carried out. We will update the community when we have more information, including a new completion date.
The single lane closures currently in place in both directions of the A4174 Avon Ring Road, under Newlands Bridge, need to remain in place until the column strengthening is complete for safety reasons.
The work being carried out at Newlands Bridge includes resurfacing, replacing movement joints, column strengthening and the construction of steps at the northern end of the existing footbridge.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this work.
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