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You need permission from us to close a road for an event or street party.

You must apply at least 8 weeks before you need to close the road.

What you need to do

Before you hold an event there are steps you need to take.

Consult with residents and businesses

You must consult with residents and businesses which may be affected by the closure. Make sure you include written confirmation with your application including a list of persons and properties that have been consulted.

Give full details

Make sure to include full details of the date and the times that the road/s are to be closed.

Provide maps of positions and signs

You need to provide a map indicating positions of road closure, diversion signs and barriers. 

We will then check that the proposed signing is adequate. If your event is granted you will need to provide the signs agreed. We do not provide signs.

How to apply

To apply you need to download the road closure application form.

Send your completed application form and supporting documents by:

  • email: legalsupport@southglos.gov.uk
  • post: Legal, Governance and Democratic Services, Department for Resources and Business Change. PO Box 1953, Bristol, BS37 0DE

Missing information may result in the final deadline being missed. 

What happens next

We will then consult with organisations such as the emergency services and bus companies.

There is a 21 day consultation period for each application.

We will then contact you to let you know if your event can go ahead.


There is a charge of £241.

There are no charges for events of national significance such as Remembrance Day.

More information

You can read GOV.UK’s guide to organising a street party our Remembrance Day road closure guidance and our event safety page for more information.

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