School and college closures

School opening times or closures are displayed on the school opening status page (term time only).

This information is updated daily by schools.

Parents and carers are advised to also check the school website and any messages from the school for more detailed information.

Waste and recycling

For updates about delays to recycling and garden waste collections visit our waste and recycling page.

Gritter routes

Our fleet of snow ploughs and gritters work to keep the roads clear. To find out more visit our gritting routes and grit bins page.


For the latest news on buses and bus routes in South Gloucestershire check with the bus operators.


For the latest updates check South Gloucestershire Libraries on Facebook and Twitter.

You can click to open these links even if you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account.

Leisure centres

For the latest updates check the Active Centres website and Twitter feed.

Council offices, One Stop Shops, meetings, and events

All One Stop Shops are open as usual.

In the event of any changes to council meetings due to severe weather, information will be published on this page and on the council and democracy homepage.

Advice and guidance

We have the following useful information and guidance for severe weather:

We also have useful winter driving advice.

Look out for the most vulnerable

If you are aware of someone sleeping rough you can send an alert via the Streetlink website.

StreetLink will then send local authorities information about people sleeping rough, so they can be visited and given the support they need.

How to get the latest updates

We use our social media channels to communicate with residents, businesses and visitors about our services and campaigns.

You can find us on:

Beta This is our beta website