Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and maps will be unavailable on Saturday 22 February from 8am to 2pm.

The winter weather brings with it an increase in illness and injuries.   

Cold weather increases the risk of heart attacks and flu, and the risk of people having falls increases with snowy and icy conditions.  

Helping you to prepare

You can find out about the cold weather plan for England on GOV.UK. 

To help you prepare for cold weather the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have  top tips for keeping warm and well this winter.

Topics covered include:  

  • financial help  
  • healthy lifestyle  
  • flu vaccination  
  • heating 

Helping vulnerable people

During cold weather we encourage our residents to care for their most vulnerable neighbours by checking in on them and offering support.

To help we have created a check sheet for preparing vulnerable people for emergencies. You can print this out at our libraries or One Stop Shops

More information

You can find guidance from the NHS for how to stay well in winter

The Met Office also has guidance for individuals, families and communities on winter preparations to help stay warm, healthy and safe on its seasonal advice page.  

Cold weather plan documents for professionals

You can view the following documents from GOV.UK:

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